Esses óleos especiais combatem
a resistência a fungos e mantêm
as unhas e a pele
Mantenha a saúde das suas unhas e pele com este tratamento revolucionário

Dez 2023 - Nova descoberta científica
Se você tem lutado por meses ou anos com coceira nas unhas dos pés e mau cheiro...
Tentando géis, cremes e pílulas, mas sem resultados reais...
Você deve saber que não é sua culpa.
De acordo com cientistas dos Centros de Controle e Prevenção de Doenças dos EUA, a maioria das pessoas interrompe o tratamento antifúngico antes que a infecção tenha sido completamente eliminada e antes que uma unha totalmente saudável tenha crescido.
Se você parar no meio do caminho e impedir que seu corpo elimine completamente a infecção, você só tornará o fungo mais forte.
Isso leva à resistência antifúngica, o que torna quase impossível se livrar da infecção na próxima vez que você usar o mesmo tratamento.
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É por isso que criamos

Esta fórmula é diferente de tudo que você já tentou ou experimentou na sua vida antes.
Você poderá ter uma vida livre de fungos , sem se preocupar com coceira ou
mau cheiro . Tudo isso enquanto desfruta de unhas e pele
impecáveis .

Dentro de cada gota de Kerassentials você encontrará:
Uma fórmula poderosa e personalizada que reúne óleos e minerais especiais de alta qualidade.

Óleo de Lavanda
- Protege a queratina das unhas
- Apoia as unhas e a pele
- Combate fungos fortes

Óleo de linhaça orgânico
- Aumenta a imunidade natural da pele
- Ajuda com inflamação
- Superalimento para sua pele

Óleo de amêndoa
- Ajuda a prevenir fungos
- Protege contra infecções
- Suporta unhas saudáveis

Óleo da Árvore do Chá
- Fortes propriedades antifúngicas
- Ajuda a conter o crescimento de fungos
- Seguro e eficaz

Óleo de capim-limão
- Antifúngico eficiente
- Previne infecções futuras
- Ajuda com inflamação

Aloe Vera
- Acalma a pele
- Forte antifúngico
- Hidrata a pele

Acetato de tocoferol
- Forma estável de Vit. E
- Protege a pele
- Previne o envelhecimento da pele

Ácido Undecilênico
- Ácido graxo benéfico
- Ajuda a prevenir fungos
- Ajuda a proteger as unhas

Fórmula Natural

Ingredientes vegetais


Easy To Use

No Chemicals

No Stimulants
Real Kerassentials Users.
Real Life-Changing Results.

Ella Simpson enjoys her healthy nails and skin…

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“This literally saved my feet! I can’t recommend Kerassentials enough!”
Ella Simpson - New York, USA

Riley Harrison has shared the product with her entire family…

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“I’ve been struggling with foot fungus since high school and this is the only thing that helped. I still can’t believe how great it worked!”
Riley Harrison - Wyoming, USA

Brandon Johnson is happy with his new nails…

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“I’ve tried many products to get rid of foot fungus before Kerassentials. I even had one nail removed but when it grew back, the fungus returned. Kerassentials is the only thing that actually helped.”
Brandon Johnson - Chicago, USA
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Your order today is covered by our iron-clad 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. If you are not impressed with the results, then just write to us and we’ll refund every single cent.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. So what is Kerassentials, and how does it work again?
Kerassentials is an extremely potent combination of oils and skin supporting vitamins that you can apply every day after you shower to give your nail bed the boost it needs. These carefully selected ingredients will give your skin the support it needs to constantly rebuild itself and stay healthy. Kerassentials is the only complete formula that maintains the health of your nails in multiple ways.
2. When can I see results?
I know you are excited to finally rid this annoying fungus, so I can tell that you start noticing improvements immediately. Because your toenails will look more alive. The itchiness will be soothed. And within the first weeks you should be noticing new healthy pink nails growing out to replace the damaged areas. But I can tell you the biggest change will be in your confidence seeing yourself finally beat this thing that has been haunting you for so long.
3. How does the guarantee work again?
When you click on any of the packages below and place your order, you will be covered by our full 60 day, 100% money back guarantee. This means if you change your mind at any time, or for any reason at all, you can just email our customer support team and we will refund your entire investment in Kerassentials no questions asked. There is absolutely no risk for you.
4. Ok I am ready to make my order. What now?
Just click on any of the packages you see below this video and place your secure order. Make sure you do it before stock runs out. The 6 bottle package is by far the most popular option because it guarantees you will not run out of Kerassentials during the course of your treatment.

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Scientific references:

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- Alessandrini A, Starace M, Bruni F, et al. An open study to evaluate effectiveness and tolerability of a nail oil composed of vitamin E and essential oils in mild to moderate distal subungual onychomycosis. Skin Appendage Disorders. 2020;6(1):14-8.
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